Covenants Review

The Highlands 460 is a Covenant-Controlled Community, governed by a Civic Association, where the covenants hold legal weight for all homeowners, regardless of Civic Association membership status. The original covenant document was drafted in 1977 and the most recent Amendments to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions was filed in the spring of 2008. This document currently applies to all owners and their authorized residents.

As the Covenant Review Committee considered submitted improvement requests, it was determined by the Civic Association Board of Directors that current neighborhood covenants required review and update. Keeping covenant documents current is crucial for maintaining the community by clarifying property rights, architectural guidelines, and community standards to foster a consistent neighborhood environment. They also enable fair enforcement, guide facilitation of disputes, and should allow for the evolving needs and preferences of residents.

In 2023, a committee of neighborhood volunteers was formed to review the current covenant document and suggest a revised draft. This draft was reviewed by Altitude Law, a firm specializing in Community Law, and is ready for community review. Combining committee guidance and current legal framework, the draft:

• Revises outdated language to current terminology

• Eliminates items irrelevant to an established community within the limits of the City of Centennial

• Allows for creating more flexibility for architectural changes over time (ex. Evolution from wooden shake shingles to current materials)

• Establishes a clear process regarding covenant violations that does not include charging fines.


Current Covenants Document

This is the current covenants document for the H460 neighborhood.

New Draft Covenants Document

 This document is a starting point for neighborhood review and discussion. This draft was created by a group of neighbors and has been reviewed by the H460 board and Altitude Law.

Summary of Changes From Current to Draft Covenants

This document outlines the changes from the current covenants document to the new draft covenants. Due to the change in structure from the old document to the new document, it is not easy to follow a red line document. Instead, this document outlines the process that was followed including what sections were transferred over to the new document. If you have additional questions and would like to talk to the committee member who drafted this document please send an email to and we can set up some time to talk through any questions you have.

All owners are encouraged to review the changes and provide feedback in the following ways:


Phone: 720-644-6448

Survey: Share you feedback with us related to the New Draft Covenants Document

Review Process Timeline:

March - June: Community review of proposed changes, and update as needed based on Community feedback

July - August: Finalize 2024 Covenants with Altitude Law and prepare for Community vote

September - November: Community vote (need 2/3 community approval to pass)

covenant document Town Hall / Meet and Greet at Blue Spruce MAY 20 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

We would like to invite you to a Town Hall / Meet and Greet at our neighborhood local Blue Spruce on May 20th at 5:30 pm -7:30 pm

The purpose of this gathering is to provide you with updates on proposed covenant updates, with the aim to better reflect the current needs and values of our community.  This will be an opportunity to hear about proposed changes, ask questions and share thoughts on what you like and what you believe could be improved. 

Your participation and feedback are invaluable to the Board as we work together to make our neighborhood the best it can be!  Looking forward to hearing from you!  

The Board will be providing appetizers and drinks for attendees.  

Please RSVP by May 16th at 5 pm

Please note that this is an adult only meeting.

Blue Spruce Brewery

4151 E County Line Rd Unit G Centennial, CO 80122